Monday 12 December 2016

Lesson 7. ICT in Languages, Social Science and Arts

Lesson 7.  ICT in Languages, Social Science and Arts
Q1. Fill in the blanks.
1.     ICT helps learner to refine their ………………………. and present if more effectively. performance
2.     Students can use spreadsheets to store the ……………….. Data (about earthquakes) and then plot different types of graphs for interpretation. numerical
3.     ……………………………. is a tutorial software for economics. WinEcon
4.     One can learn to play a musical instrument without actually purchasing it using a …………………… on a computer. simulator
5.     Software for learning and ………………………. dance is also available. choreographing
Q2. State whether the following statements true or False.
1.     Languages allow humans to express themselves effectively. true
2.     Babel fish is a computer game on spelling. false
3.     Current information about earthquakes can be collected from the website true
4.     Stellarium software provides satellite imagery of geographical area. false
5.     One can learn to play a musical instrument using computer simulator. true
Q3. Rewrite the following statements by selecting correct alternative.
1.     Computer games like ……………… make learning spellings enjoyable. Word Grid
2.     ………………… is software that enables instant translation in to different languages. Babel Fish
3.     ………… software online shows what you see when you look up at the stars on any given day and time. Stellarium
Q4. . Rewrite the following statements by selecting two correct alternatives.
1.     Google maps can display ……………………………….. , ……………………………….. satellite imagery , street maps
2.     ………………………………… , …………………………….. Are translation software. Babel Fish , Word Magic

Q5. Answer the following questions.
1.     List some of the software/websites that may be used in language learning?
Ans:  Following are the listed software may be used in language learning
a.     Word Grid
b.     WordSmith tools
c.      Bing Translator
d.     Bablel Fish
e.     Word Magic
2.     List some of the software/websites that may be used in geography courses.
Ans: Following are the listed software may be used in geography courses
a.     Google Sky
b.     Google Maps
c.      Google Earth
Q6. Answer in brief
1.     Discuss the role of ICT in education.
Ans:  Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them. ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere. It can influence the way students are taught and how they learn as now the processes are learner driven and not by teachers. This in turn would better prepare the learners for lifelong learning as well as to improve the quality of learning. In concert with geographical flexibility, technology-facilitated educational programs also remove many of the temporal constraints that face learners with special needs.
2.     How ICT does help in learning languages?
Ans:  A language is one of the means of communication and allows humans to express themselves. Using language, both written and verbal, we can pass information from one generation to the next. ICT allows us to store this knowledge and share it easily.
The use of Language learning software allows one to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and helps us to learn a language quickly.
Word processors, translators, dictionaries, grammar checkers and games also help in learning a language.
3.     How can the study of social sciences be made interesting using ICT?
Ans: 1. ICT makes both teaching and learning Social Sciences interesting for the teacher and the learner. 
2. The use of pictures, graphics, charts and maps as teaching aids as well as in reports and presentations by students makes the study of these subjects interesting. 
3. The data can be organized using Databases and Spreadsheets and presented in a systematic way. 
4. The use of computers helps in the easy interpretation of this data.
4.     Give the role of ICT in Art education?

Ans: ICT plays an important role for students and professionals in the field of art.
1. Paintings of famous artists can be easily studied and reproduced from the comfort of one's home.
2. In the field of advertising the use of sophisticated graphics software make the designing of pamphlets and brochures very easy.
3. Original artwork and patterns can be easily created for use in the Textile Design industries.
4. In the field of music, Computers make learning music or playing a musical instrument easy by providing on-line lessons. Users can download music compositions and even compose their own music. 
5. The use of computers in the film industry allows one to add special effects both audio and video and also allows budding film makers an easy option to showcase their talents.
6. ICT allows those interested in dancing to learn any of the various dance forms from home.


  1. Really nice thing. but i believe the best part would be if you provide us with the answers at the end or might be another link .. that can help the students to text their knowledge in a better way.
