Bharat Education Society
Karthika High School & Jr. College

1)   The_________tag replaces the <body>tag in frameset documents.
2)   ______ refers to generally accepted standards of right and wrong in a society.
3)   Gaining access without user permission is known as ______________
4)   _________ keyword denotes the current object in JavaScript.
5)   _____________  means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature.
6)   __________ term is related to the originator (sender) who sends the products to the other persons.
7)   The main function of _____________  is to convert the Managed Code into native code and then execute the program.
8)   The ADO __________ Object is used to create an open connection to a data source.
9)   ___________ attributeof <form>tag  is used to the specify the location/path or URL of the server where form information submitted.
10)       The ______________ is a integral part of the ADO.NET which serves as a bridge between a DataSet and a data source
Q-2) State whether the following statements are True or False.
1)   .CLR provides a common platform for operating systems & applications
2)   Validation controls are used for accepting user information.
3)   The <frame> tag is used to create frame within frameset.
4)   Target=”_blank”  will open the page in the same window as link.
5)   ADO is automatically installed with Microsoft IIS.
6)   In E-Commerce time required is more as compare to traditional commerce.
7)   Namespace helps in avoiding naming conflicts in classes.
8)   ASP.NET is a technology for building powerful, dynamic Web applications and is a part of the .NET Framework
9)   The ADO Connection Object is used to create an open connection to a data source.
10)               The purpose of digital signature is to provide authenticity to user for Information.

1)   A target=_________ will cause the link to always load in the same window.
a)   _parent  b) _blank  c)  _ self  d) _top
2)   Following event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element.
a)   onmousedown  b) onmouseout   c)   onmouseover   d) onmouseup
3) Following event occurs when a form is submitted.
a)   onsubmit  b) onsave  c) onsend  d) onclick
4)  _____ property of window object returns the location object for the window.
a)   Location  b)  URL   c) Place   d) Home
5) Which of the following is not a member of Response object.
a)   Clear  b) write c)  Execute d) Flush
6)  _________ method  of System.web.HttpResponse clears all content output from the buffer stream.
      a) Write()     b)  Clear()     c)   End()   d) Flush  
7)   _________ enables ASP.Net to read the HTTP values sent by a client during a web request.
a) HttpResponse    b)   HttpRequest   c)    HttpRedirect   d)   HttpApplication
8) In External style sheet ______tag is used to Link the file with the HTML document.
        a)   <link>  b)<rel>  c)  <code>   d) <target>
9) The HTML server control which can used same as the <input type=button><input type=Submit><input type=reset>
a) HtmlInputButton  b) HtmlInputSubmit   c) HtmlInputReset 
d)  HtmlButtonInput
10 ) To insert video file without control  ________attribute of <img>tag is used.
a)  Src  b) dynsrc    c) href   d)  link
11 ) _____ method displays a dialog box that prompts the visitor for input.
a)   Display( )   b)  prompt( )   c) visit( )   d) print( )
12 ) _____ method calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds.
a)   setTimeout( )     b) setTimein( )    c)  timeout( )  d) timein()
13 ) In __________ relationship A field in table one is associated with at most one field in another table and vice versa.
a)   one to one b) one to many  c)  many to many  d) many to one
14)  ____________ means a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record
a)      Addressee   b) Access  c)   computer  d)  Data
15)  Finding a supplier and agreeing the terms  is a   __________phase.
a)  search and negotiate   b)  After-Sales  c)   Settlement    d)   After-Sales

16) .  EDI helps to _________.
     (a) Reduce paper works           (b) Increase paper works
     (c) Higher security                    (d) reduce Accuracy
17 ) _____ Scripts are used generally for validation purpose.
a)   Client   b) Server   c) Request   d) response
18 )  Which  Executable unit gets created when we build an ASP.NET application.
a).dll    b).exe  c).com    d) .rar
19) The main function of __________ is to convert the managed code into native code and execute the Program.
a)   Common language Specification  b) Common Language Runtime
         c) Assembly                                        d) File Class Library
20 ) Attribute required for server side code blocks is ________.
a)   run="server"  b) runat="server"   c) execute="server" d) script="server"
Q- 4)  MCQ two correct options
1)   Select the valid options coming under the properties of Window
a) Controls     b) Design View    c) Code behind   d)   Alphabetic  e) Event
2)   Web application is a combination of___________ & _________.
a)      POP   b)  Spreadsheet   c) Ms-word  d)   Sever side script  e)   Sever side script

3)   Select the valid  attribute of <area> tag .
a)   Shape   b)  Coord      c) src    d) link  e)  dynsrc

4)   Select two correct web servers from the list.
a)   netscape navigator     b)  Internet Explorer     c)   Google Chrome 
    d) Apache  e)  IIS
5)   Select two visual studio.Net server explorer resources.
a)   Client   b)  Windows   c)  System.IO   d) Database Connections  e)  Event logs
1)     The three generic trade cycles can be identified as   ___, ___ and __
a) Repeat trade cycle  b) Credit trade cycle  c) Cash trade cycle  d)Routine trade cycle   E) Transaction trade cycle  f) Update trade cycle

2)    Select the ASP.NET Server Technologies:
a)   Web Pages    b) MVC     c)  Web Forms   d)  Web Matrix
e) Visual Studio   f)  Visual Web Developer  .
Q-6  )  Rearrange the sequence
f)<script language="JavaScript">
a.   <body bgcolor="pink">
b.   <img src="clouds.jpg" usemap="#n1">
c.    </body></html>
d.   <area shape="rect" coords ="100,50,150,200" href="p1.jpg">
e.   </map>
f.     <map name="n1">
g.   <html>

Q- 7) ANSWER THE FOLLOWING                                       (10 MARKS)
1)    What is security, Privacy and Control?                                      (4 Marks)
2)    Classification of E-Commerce is based on                       (4 Marks)
a)   who orders, the goods and services to be sold
b)   who sold those goods and services and the nature of transactions                                         
3)    Write phases of general trade cycle                                  ( 2 marks)

1)   Write a html program to design the student Admission form( name, address, password, sex,subject) using appropriate HTML Controls

2)   Write an event driven  Javscript code to display even numbers between 0 to 10

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