ICT Practical Std 10


Std 10 ICT Prac-1
Title :-                           PowerPoint Presentation on Impact of ICT on Education.

Description / Aim :-   To create Presentation  slide on the Impact of ICT on                                                  Education in power Point.
Software :-                    Microsoft office  PowerPoint 2007/013

Procedure :
1)    Planning the storyboard :
Gather important points on the impact of ICT on education. Search for relevant diagrams/pictures using the image search features of a web browser.
2)    Creating the slides :
a)     Click Start -> Microsoft Office Power Point 2007 to launch Power Point 2007.(
b)    In the title slide type the title in the title placeholder and your name in the subtitle placeholder.
c)     To create subsequent slides click the down arrow of the New slide icon in the slides group on the Home tab. To insert a picture on the slide click the Insert Picture.
3 ) Adding slide Transition :
a)     Click any slide thumbnail from slide sorter view .Click the Animation tab. Select a slide transition effect from the dropdown gallery of the Transition to This Slide  group.
b)    Click the arrow next to the Transition Speed button on the same group and then select the speed.
c)     Add sound effect
d)    Click Apply to All button
4) Adding animation to object on a slide:
a) Select the normal view. Click the Animation tab on the Ribbon and click the Custom Animation button in the Animationgroup to open the Custom Animation task pane.
b) Select an object /placeholder on the slide, and then click on Add effect button on the task pane. Suitably set the options start ,Direction and Speed . Choice under the start Start On Click , Start With Previous , Start after Previous.
5) Running a slide Show :
1)  Click the Slide Show tab on the Ribbon. Click the From Beginning  button of the Start Slide Show  group.

2) Save your file with a suitable file name.

Std 10 ICT Prac-2

Title :- Locate city and residence using free ONLINE mapping services.

Software:-Any Web Browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Description: - To search  city, district and residence using Google Maps

Procedure :

1)    Web browser window :
 1) Launch Internet Explorer by clicking icon on the desktop  or on the quick launch toolbar on the taskbar. Click on the URL in the Address bar to highlight it and type  www.google.co.in.
2)    On the Google service option bar, click on the Maps to go to the web page of Google Maps. Since current location is India map of India will be centered in the map window.
3)    Click on the small icon Satellite at the top right corner to see a satellite map of the region.
4)    Type the name of your district (Ex. Mumbai district Maharashtra ) in the search text box above the map window and click on the Search button or press the Enter key. The program zooms in and marks the district on the map with a border.
5)    Type the name of the place (Ex Kurla , Mumbai , Maharashtra) in the search text box and click on Search button. The program zooms in and marks the village on the map with a border.

6)    Zoom in by clicking on the plus sign on the zoom control at the left till you are able to locate your school building.

Std 10 ICT Prac-3
Title:- Perform Science Simulations from Phet Interactive Simulation website.
Software:-Any Web Browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Aim :- To perform interactive science simulation in https://phet.colorado.edu  .

Procedure :
1)    Launch Internet Explorer or any other browser.
2)    Enter the URL  https://phet.colorado.edu   in the address bar and press the Enter  key.
3)    Under how to run Simulations on Phet Interactive Simulations Home page Click on On Line.
4)    Under Simulation Click on the Subject you want to Explore.
5)    Click on the topic name .
6)    On the next page, You will see the Simulation. You may see one or more Controls to interactively change some parameters. You may also interactively move the objects in the simulation with the mouse.
Geometric Optics :
1)    The Geometric Optics simulations refraction through a convex lens, as shown in the figure .

2)    The simulation shows an object, its real image and two marginal Rays. The three sliders allows to change the radius of the curvature, refractive index and Diameter of the lens.
3)    Change the radius of curvature and/ or the refractive index and see how each one affects the focal length of the lens  and hence the image distance. Click and drag the object and /or the lens to change the object distance and note them down.
4)    Display the ruler and keep the refractive Index Constant measure the focal length, object distance and image 
distance and note them down.
5)    Tabulate all the measurements.

Radius of Curvature(m)
Focal Length
Object Distance
Image Distance

Std 10 ICT Prac-4
Title :- Convert the given English Paragraph in to Marathi /Hindi using Google Translator.
Software used: Windows 7 & web browser is Internet Explorer 7.

Description :- To convert a given paragraph in English into Marathi/Hindi.

Procedure :
1)    Launch Internet Explorer.
2)    Enter the URL translate.google.co.in in the Address bar and press the Enter key.
3)    The Google Translate web page will open .Click the small down arrow of the From English button and select English from the dropdown list box. Similarly , select Hindi by clicking the To Hindi button.
4)    In the text box below the From English button, type the given paragraph of English text. If the instant translation is turned on, you will see the translated text in the right hand text box. Alternatively, copy the paragraph of English text from a word processor or a web page and paste in the text box.
5)    If you are not satisfied with some of the words in the translation , you can highlight them. Clicking on the highlighted text gives you a few alternative for you to select or you may edit a suggested word in the text box immediately below the list.
6)    You can select the translated text copy paste in your word processor.
7)    To translate the entire document click on translate a document link.

Std 10 ICT Prac-5
Title: To use Geogebra  To Draw an Angle Measuring 1330 and bisect it
Software: Geogebra 4.2

Diagram :-  

Procedure: Launch Geogebra by Clicking on the desktop.

          1.Click file New  to start a new geogebra file.

2. Select the segment between two points tool at any two points in the graphic view. This adds two points, A and B and the segment a.

3. Select the angle with given size tool and first click on the point A and then on the point B. this opens the Angle with Given Size dialog box. Type 133 as the angle, select the Clockwise option and click the OK button. This adds a point A and labels the ˂ABA as α= 133®

4. Select the segment between two points tool  and draw the segment b between B and A.

           5.     Select the Angle bisector tool and click the points A, B and A in sequences. The Graphics View                     shows the line c which is the bisector of the angle α

6.Add a point C on line c using new point tool

     7.Select the Angle tool and click on points C,B and A. this shows   m ˂ABC as β=66.5® Also, click on      point A, B and C. this shows m ˂ABC as ƴ=66.5®. this verifies that the line c is the bisector of the angle α.

Std 10 ICT Prac-6
Title: To use Geogebra  To Draw a line segment of length 6.5 cm and draw a perpendicular bisector of the line segment.

Software: Geogebra 4.2

1.Launch Geogebra  by Click on the desktop or All Program Geogebra

2. Select the Segment with given length from Point tool and click any where in the Graphics view .This adds a start point A of the segment and open s the segment with given length from point dialog box click the OK button.

3. Select the Perpendicular Bisector tool and click on the segment a .The Graphics view shows the perpendicular bisector c to segment a

4.Select the Angle tool. Click on the segment a and line c . the Graphics View shows the angle between them α=900  the line c passes through the midpoint D .This verifies that line c is the perpendicular bisector of the segment a.

5. To save your work click file & save.

Std 10 ICT Prac-7
GEOGEBRA :Mean,Median and Mode of raw data.

TITLE : TO use Geogebra to find the mean, median and mode of the following raw data 11,25,28,37,65,47,58,59,78,14.

Software: Geogebra 4.2

1.Launch Geogebra by clicking on the desktop

2. Click View on the menu bar ,disable the Axes and enable the spreadsheet view.

3.In the Spreadsheet View type the raw data in the column A. select  the cells A1 to A10 by dragging the mouse .Right  click and choose Create List from  the right click context menu. The Algebra view displays the list and its name,list1 under dependent object.

4. Finding the mean ,median and mode using the Input bar:

5.Type X =mean[list1]and Press the enter key similarly, one by one type Y=median [list1] and X= Mode [list1] to calculate the median and mode of the raw data . The Algebra View Shows the value of the mean, median and mode of the raw data under dependent object Since no number in the sample data is repeated I.e no number occurs more than once the mode is shown as an empty list, mode X ={}.

6. Save your work with a suitable filename .

Std 10 ICT Prac-8
GEOGEBRA :Verification of Inscribed Angle Theorem

TITLE : TO use Geogebra to verify that the measure of an angle subtended by an arc at a point on the circle is half of the measure of the angle subtended by the same  arc the centre.

Software: Geogebra 4.2


1.Launch Geogebra by clicking on the desktop .

2. Select the Circle with Centre through Point tool. Click at a point A and then click at another convenient point B to draw a circle with  centre  A through point B.

3. Using the New Point tool, add two other points C and D on the circumference of the circle.

4. Select the segment between two point tool and draw the segments AB, AC, DB and DC.

5. Select the Angle tool. Click on the segments AB and AC. This measures the angle subtended by the arc CB at the centre ,BAC, a α Similarly, click on the segments DB and DC . This measures the angle subtended by the arc CB at the circumference BDC as β .

6. It is seen that  α=2 β ,i.e the measure of the angle subtended by an arc at the circumference is half that subtended at the centre.

7.Save your work with a suitable filename.

 Std 10 ICT Prac-9


Software: Geogebra 4.2

Diagram :-

Launch Geogebra by clicking on the desktop .
1.     Select the circle with center through point tool. In the graphic view , click at a point a and another suitable point b to draw a circle  c with center a through point b.

2.     Similarly draw a circle d through with centre B through point A.

3.     Intersect the circles c and d with the intersect two objects tool to get the hexagon’s vertices C and D.

4.     Draw circle e with centre c through point a, and circle f with centre d through point a.

5.     Select the new point tool and click at the intersection of the circles c and e to get the vertex E, and the intersection of the circles c and  f to get the vertex F.

6.     Draw circle g with centre  F through point A.

7.     Using the New Point tools, click at the intersection of the circles c and g to get the vertex G.

8.     Select the Polygon tool and click on the vertices other then A in anticlockwise sequence till you get a closed polygon. The graphics view shows the regular six-sided polygon.

9.     Select the angle tool and click inside the hexagon . The Graphics View shows the interior angles of the hexagon all equal to 1200 .This verifies that the hexagon is a regular hexagon.