Monday, 12 December 2016

Lesson 6. Introduction to the Internet

Lesson 6. Introduction to the Internet

Q1. Fill in the blanks
1.     Networks in the world are connected to each other due to …………………… Internet.
2.     ‘Email’ stands for …………………………………… Electronic mail
3.     Long form for WWW is……………………………………………….. World Wide Web.
4.     HTML stands for …………………………………………………………… Hyper Text Markup Language.
5.     The software used to view the different web pages known as a ………………. Browser
6.     The main page of a website which provides access to the other linked pages of the website is called the …………….. of the website. Homepage
7.     A computer hosting a website is known as a …………………… web server.
8.     The web page of a website are linked by ………………………. Hyperlinks
9.     An area of graphic or image that is hyperlink to a document/multimedia file/web page is called a …………….. Hotspot.
Q2. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1.     ARPANET had been invented and started for American people. False
2.     The internet is a global network of networks. True
3.     Email is one of the facilities provided by the internet. True
4.     All web pages are linked with each other using hyperlinks. True
5.     Every website has a unique address of its own. True
6.     There are internet servers which are not part of the WWW. True
7.     The URL of a website begins with the domain name. False
8.     The URL of a website contains the @ symbol. False
9.     Depending upon the type of information and the need of the producer, website can be paid or can be completely free to the user. OR Depending on the type of information on a website, the site owner may or may not give free access to the website. True
Q3. Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct option.
1.     The network connecting computers all over the world is known as …………….. Internet.
2.     The system of internet servers that support HTML formatted documents, and connected worldwide, is known as ……………………………………………….. World Wide Web
3.     A …………………….. Specifies the procedure used to transfer information over the internet. Protocol.
4.     The acronym FTP stands for ……………………………………………………………… File Transfer Protocol
5.     A ………………. is a collection of web pages common to a particular domain name. website
6.     The …….. Symbol is always used in URL. //
7.     The first web page displayed in the browser window when a user visits a website is called the ……………….. Of the website. Homepage
8.     The color of unvisited hyperlink on a web page is ………………. purple
9.     When you hover the mouse pointer over the hyper link or hotspot, it changes to ……………………… Link Select
Q4. Rewrite the following statements by selecting two correct options:
1.     Protocol for the internet are …………………., ………………..  TCP , IP
2.     To access the internet following browsers can be used …………………, ………………………… Internet Explorer , Opera
Q5. Write Short notes on:
1.     Website
Ans. A website is a set of web pages along with the text, images, video, audio and other data that can be accessed from this place. A web-site must be hosted on at least one web Server and accessible from the Internet. A website is typically made up of web-pages. A web-page is written as plain text mixed with formatting instructions known as Hyper Text Markup Language. (HTML & XHTML) A web-page can also include pictures, text, audio and video from other web-sites by using their URLs. (Universal Resource Locators) Web pages are transmitted over the Internet using a protocol known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Most web-sites are free but some may require a subscription to be paid for use.
2.     Universal Resource Locator.
Ans:  URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. URL is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the URL is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to use, and the second part is called are source name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes.
For example, the two URLs below point to two different files at the domain The first specifies an executable file that should be fetched using the FTP protocol; the second specifies a Web page that should be fetched using the HTTP protocol.
3.     Disadvantages of email.
Ans: 1. While e-mail itself is free, there are charges to be paid for use of the Internet, Electricity for the computer and also in the case of dial-up connections, charges for the Telephones. These other charges make it difficult to calculate precisely the cost of e-mail.
2. E-mail is sent using simple text and complicated formatting is not possible.
3. Unless the receiver is always signed on there is no way of knowing if an e-mail message has arrived for him.
4. The receiver of the email must also be an e-mail user and must have access to Computer, a Modem and an Internet Connection.
Q6. Answer the following questions:
1.     List the various activities that can be performed using the internet.
Ans: Email: One of the most popular uses of the Internet is E-mail. Using E-mail one can send and receive messages instantly.
World-Wide-Web: The World Wide Web is a collection of Web-sites on the Internet. These websites are linked to one another to form a global “Web” of information.
Search Engines: Since the amount of information on the Internet is very vast, a Search Engine is required to provide us relevant information.
On-line chatting and conferencing: These are used both for Social Interactions as well as for communication in the Business world.
Newsgroups: Newsgroups on the Internet allow us to get news on various topics as well as post our own views about the topic under discussion.
Business: The use of the Internet for buying and Selling has led to cost advantages for both the seller and the buyer.
Personal: Home shopping, banking, buying of Airline and Railway tickets using the Internet is being used more often.
Education: The Internet stores a huge amount of information and anyone interested in learning can find the resources on the Internet. On-line courses are being offered by many Universities to help students pursue their studies in a convenient way.
Entertainment: Movies, Games, Songs and Videos are some of the Entertainment options available on the Internet.
2.     Explain the difference between the WWW and Internet.
Internet: The Internet is a system of Interconnected Computer Networks. One of the services available on the Internet is the World-Wide-Web
World-Wide-Web: The World Wide Web is a collection of Web-sites on the Internet. These websites are linked to one another to form a global “Web” of information.

3.     List the various functions of a web browser.
Ans: Web browser functions are to provide the resources or information to the user when asked by them. 

- It processes the user inputs in the form of URL like in the browser and allows the access to that page. 

- URL is used to identify the resources and fetch them from the server and displays it to the client. 

- It allows the user to interact with the web pages and dynamic content like surveys, forms, etc. 

- It also allows the user to navigate through the complete web page and see its source code in the HTML format. 

- It provides security to the data and the resources that are available on the web that is by using the secure methods.

4.     Match the column:
1.     Internet – Network of networks
2.     Server- Provides services
3.     HTTP – Protocol
4.     Opera – Web browser
5.     Forward – Tool button of a web browser.
6.     .in – India
7.     SMTP – Email
8.     HTML – Web page
9.     URL – Web address
Q7. Answer in brief:
1.     Write a note on the history of the Internet?
Ans: The history of the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. Initial concepts of packet networking originated in several computer science laboratories in the United States, United Kingdom, and France.[1] The US Department of Defense awarded contracts as early as the 1960s for packet network systems, including the development of the ARPANET (which would become the first network to use the Internet Protocol). The first message was sent over the ARPANET from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Packet switching networks such as ARPANET, NPL network, CYCLADES, Merit Network, Tymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of communications protocols.[2] Donald Davies was the first to put theory into practice by designing a packet-switched network at the National Physics Laboratory in the UK, the first of its kind in the world and the cornerstone for UK research for almost two decades.[3][4] Following, ARPANET further led to the development of protocols for internetworking, in which multiple separate networks could be joined into a network of networks.
2.     State the mission/activities of ISOC, IETF and W3C?
·         Ans:  Facilitates open development of standards, protocols, administration, and the technical infrastructure of the Internet.
·         Supports education in developing countries specifically, and wherever the need exists.
·         Promotes professional development and builds community to foster participation and leadership in areas important to the evolution of the Internet.
·         Provides reliable information about the Internet.
·         Provides forums for discussion of issues that affect Internet evolution, development and use in technical, commercial, societal, and other contexts.
·         Fosters an environment for international cooperation, community, and a culture that enables self-governance to work.
·         Serves as a focal point for cooperative efforts to promote the Internet as a positive tool to benefit all people throughout the world.
·         Provides management and coordination for on-strategy initiatives and outreach efforts in humanitarian, educational, societal, and other contexts.

3.     What are the advantages of Email?
Ans: The advantages of E-mail are as follows:
1. E-mail provides a quick and cheap means of communicating for both personal and business use.
2. Messages are transmitted securely.
3. Messages can be sent at any time that is convenient to the sender.
4. Messages can be read at a time that is convenient to the receiver.
5. Messages can be stored by both the sender and the receiver.
6. Mass mailings can be easily done using a predefined list of email Ids.
7. The Subject as displayed in the header of an E-mail message allows the receiver to prioritize the messages as per his choice.
8. The use of paper is reduced.
4.     Explain the concept of web browser?
Ans: A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI/URL) and may be a web page, image, video or other piece of content. Hyperlinks present in resources enable users easily to navigate their browsers to related resources.
Although browsers are primarily intended to use the World Wide Web, they can also be used to access information provided by web servers in private networks or files in file systems.
5.     Explain any four buttons on the toolbar of a web browser?

Ans: Some of the standard buttons that can be found on the Internet Explorer are as follows:
Home: This button will take you to the home page i.e., the first page that opens when the Browser is started.
Reload: The reload or refresh buttons reloads the current page. Any changes that may have taken place will be displayed now.
Stop: The Stop button cancels the present operation. If a page was being loaded, the stop button prevents further loading of the page.
Forward and Back: To view the previous page click on the Back button. Clicking on the forward button will take you to the page that was viewed after the present page. If the present page was the most recent page then nothing will be done.
Some of the other buttons are the Print, Save, Help and History buttons.

1 comment:

  1. Some really good post, who don't want to learn about internet and this blog everything that one needs to know about internet. Thanks for sharing it..
