Thursday, 7 July 2016

Std 9 Chap 3 ICT Soft Tools : Word Processor

3.     ICT Soft Tools : Word Processor
Q1. Fill in the blanks
1.     The geographical interface panel at the top of window of a Microsoft office application is called Ribbon.
2.     With an existing word document open, when we select the save option from the Office button menu we overwrite the previous version of the document.
3.     Paragraph text that is aligned flush with both the left and right margins of the paragraph is called insertion text.
4.     The small diagonal arrow at the bottom right of some groups on the ribbon is called the dialog box launcher.
5.     In Word 2007 Styles can be put (applied) to word within a paragraph, characters within a paragraph, and heading.
6.     The AutoCorrect facility can automatically insert text, graphics and symbols in to word documents.
7.     The tool repeatedly apply a selected character or paragraph formatting is called the  Format Painter.
8.     To cut and move selected text and graphics to office clipboard Ctrl,X and Shift, Del keys must be pressed together.
9.     To change the case of selected text in word using keyboard you must pressed shift+F3.
10.                        The Mail Merge facility in the word 2007 can be used to send a letter to a number of recipients or to create  labels using database..
11.                        Borders, shading and Page borders are highly customizable features used in the creation of  Page Layout.
12.                        Show readability statics option of word 2007 gives the custom summary of text based on statistical and linguistic analysis.
Q2. State weather True or False
1.     A special format file standardized the styles in related documents is called a template in word True.
2.     Pressing the backspace key once deletes the word preceding the insertion point.  False
3.     The office button has the option to increase the security of document. True
4.     The auto correct future option in MSWord is used for error correction as well as formatting. True
5.     When at the last cell of a table, clicking the tab key adds a new column to the table.  False
6.     MS Word is used for simple word processing applications only. False
7.     Ms Word marks certain typing patterns as errors. False
8.     The vertical alignment is done using the alignment tool buttons False
9.     Simple cell is the one in which information is being entered True
10.                        The easiest way to get help on any topic in Word 2007 is to press Shift + F3 on the key board False
Q3. Rewrite the following statements selecting correct option.
1.     In Word 2007 window, we will find the status of num lock ,caps lock , and insert keys on The
Status Bar.
2.     In word 2007, the minimize/maximize buttons are present in the Upper right corner of the word window.
3.     In word 2007, in the page set up group of the page layout tab, the size option allows us to change the paper size.
4.     In word 2007 to copy text, or graphics in the same document or to the other documents , we can use Copy command in the clipboard group of home tab.
5.     The file extension of a document created using word 2007 is .docx
6.     The exit word button is located in the Office Button Menu.
7.     The default page orientation in the word window is called Portrait.
8.     While checking spelling, you can direct Word to leave all instances of spelling as typed by clicking Ignore all.
Q4. Rewrite following statements by selecting two correct options:
1.     In which of the following ways you can save a document in word 2007?
a)     Select the save option from office button menu
b)    Press CTRL+S simultaneously on the keyboard.
2.     In Word 2007 to chance the horizontal alignment of paragraph such that the text is aligned with the left margin we can.
a)Select the text, click on the align text left button on the paragraph group of the home tab.
d)Select the text , select paragraph from the right click context sensitive menu and set Alignment to left in the general section of paragraph dialog box.
3. How can we change the inter paragraph spacing (ie. spacing before and after paragraph) in a document in word2007.
a) Click the line spacing button of the paragraph group of the home tab, select the line spacing options from the dropdown menu, and enter the appropriate values in the spacing section of the paragraph dialog box.
b) From the right click context – sensitive menu, select paragraph, and enter the appropriate values in the spacing section of the paragraph dialog box.

4. How can we insert a page break in document in word 2007?
a) Select the insert tab on the ribbon, and click on page break in the pages group.
b) At the appropriate insertion point, select paragraph from the right click context sensitive menu, select the line page breaks tab in the paragraph dialog box, and enable the page break before option.
5. In Word 2007 the command to reverse the previous action.
a) Press Ctrl+Z on the keyboard.
b) Press Undo button on the quick access toolbar.
Q.5 Write the short notes on:
1. Adding an autocorrect entry while checking spelling?
Ans. To add a text entry to word’s autocorrect list during a spelling check:
1.     Right click with the word with red wavy underline.
2.     Click Autocorrect on the Spell-it popup menu. The cascading submenu shows maximum five alternative words from the dictionary.
3.     If the word or spelling you intend to use is not in the list, click AutoCorrect Options that opens a dialog box. here, in the replace text box, type the word that you mistyped, and in the with box, type correct spelling and click Add button.
2.Creating letters for mail merge?
Ans: 1. The Mail Merge facility of MS Word is available under the Mailings Tab and can be used to send a similar letter to different recipients or to make labels using a data base. 
2. Performing a mail merge consists of preparing two documents:- the main letter and the database to which it is linked. 
3. Each field (Heading) of the database provides a Merge field in the main document.
4. MS Word prepares one letter for each of the records (rows) of the database.
5. You can preview the each copy of the letter before printing the whole set.

3.Creating Table of Contents for given word document?
Ans: There are different ways a Table can be inserted in a Word 2007 document. 
1. When we click on the Table command we see a grid of rows and columns. Clicking and dragging on the required number of rows and columns will insert a table having the desired rows and columns. See picture given alongside.
2. If we require a different number of rows and columns from what is available in the grid we can use the Table -------> Insert Table Command. In the dialog box that comes up enter the desired number of rows and columns and press Enter.
3. Preformatted tables along with sample data can also be inserted in MS Word by using the Table --------> Quick Table Command. 
4. A table can also be inserted by using the Draw Table or the Excel Spreadsheet commands.

Q.6 Answer the following questions?
1. State and briefly explain the different horizontal paragraph alignment styles in a word document?
Ans: Align Text Left
left-aligned paragraph is considered normal. The left side of the paragraph is even and the right side is jagged.
To left-align a paragraph, press Ctrl+L or click the Align Text Left button. This type of alignment is ragged right.
Centering a paragraph places each line in that paragraph in the middle of a page, with an equal amount of space to the line's right and left.
To center a paragraph, press Ctrl+E or use the Center button.
Align Text Right
right-aligned paragraph has its right margin even. The left margin, however, is jagged.
To right-align a paragraph, press Ctrl+R or click the Align Text Right button.
Full justification occurs when both the left and right sides of a paragraph are lined up flush with the page margins.
To fully justify a paragraph, press Ctrl+J or click the Justify button.

2.What is Format Painter Explain its use in brief?
Ans: A number of Microsoft Office programs, including Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Word offer the pre-defined Format Painter tool. Format Painter is used when you want to copy formatting from one item to another. For example if you have written text in Word, and have it formatted using a specific font type, color, and font size you could copy that formatting to another section of text by using the Format Painter tool.
3.How does autocorrect feature work ? Why u may need to customize the autocorrect option?
Ans: One of the most frequent mistakes occurs when a user interchanges two letters of a word. In Word 2007 the Autocorrect feature can automatically correct these mistakes.
For example the word ‘the’ is often typed in as ‘teh’ and the word ‘can’ is often typed in as ‘cna’. Since this correction is done automatically, it helps to save time. Errors that might otherwise have been overlooked are also avoided.
Autocorrect can also be used to apply special formatting. E.g. ‘(c)’ will automatically turn into ‘©’, and ‘(r)’ will turn into ‘®’.

When we repeat certain text often in our documents, we can customize the Autocorrect feature in Word to automatically type in this text when we type its abbreviation. E.g., Word can be customized to type in an address when one types the abbreviation ‘myadr’.
Mathematical symbols can be easily added when we use the Autocorrect feature of MS Word.
4.How can one get help on any topic in word 2007?
Ans. The easiest way to get help from Word 2007 is to press the F1 key. The cool part about the F1 key is that if you press it while you're performing some obscure task deep inside some strange dialog box or task pane, Word summons help for that specific issue, telling you how to do what you want to do. Press F1 any time you have a question, and help arrives. Keep in mind that Word's help works best when you have an Internet connection, especially a high-speed, or broadband, connection. In the Search box in the upper-left corner of the Help window, type a topic, command name, or question. Or you can browse the table of contents directly below the Search field. If you've used previous versions of Word, note that there’s no more Office Assistant in Word 2007. You can mourn or rejoice as appropriate.
5.Match the following:
1) Ctrl+X – Move the selected text to Clipboard
2) Ctrl+C – Copy the selected text to Clipboard
3) Ctrl+S – Save the document
4) Ctrl+P – Print the document
Q.7 Answer in Brief
1. List the various functions of a word Processor?
Write the salient features of a word processor.
Ans: Following are the salient features of MS Word as a Word Processor:
1) The text editor in MS Word allows the user to add, delete or modify the contents of the document very easily. 
2) Editing commands are available which can change a single character, word, sentence or whole paragraphs.
3) In addition, MS Word also allows us to Move (Cut and Paste) characters, words, sentences or paragraphs from one section of the document to another or even from one document to another.
4) Spelling, Grammar and Readability allows us to improve our document. 
5) We can insert pictures, tables, charts, WordArt, SmartArt, Shapes, Text Boxes and other clip art to improve our presentation.
6) Besides the Help function provided in the program, there is an excellent Online Tutorial for getting help and solving all problems that may occur.
2.List the various uses of word 2007?
Ans: 1. Spend more time writing and less time formatting.
2. Communicate more effectively with Smart Art diagrams and new charting tools.
3. Quickly assemble documents using Building Blocks.
4. Save as PDF or XPS directly from Office Word 2007.
5. Publish and maintain blogs directly from Office Word 2007.
6. Master your document review processes using Office Word 2007 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.
7. Connect your documents to business information.
8. Connect your documents to business information.
9. Reduce your file sizes and improve corrupt file recovery.
3.Briefly explain the main components of word2007 window?
Ans: Title Bar

The title bar shows the name of the document on screen. When a new document is started, Word 2007 gives it a generic name like ‘Document 1’ and this is displayed on the title bar. When you save the document with a name, the generic name on the title bar is replaced by the given name.
Quick Access Toolbar
Located in the top left corner of the Word 2007 window, the Quick Access Toolbar contains some of the most frequently used commands like Save, Undo, Redo. You can add more commands to the Quick Access Toolbar as per your need. This toolbar helps you to perform Word tasks speedily by providing one-click access to oft used commands.
Window Controls
These are a set of three buttons in the top right corner of the program window. 
·                     The right button,displaying an x, is the Close button . On clicking, this button closes the current document but not the Word programme.
·                     The left button is the Minimize button which minimizes the program window to the taskbar.
·                     The middle button, sporting a rectangle, is the Maximize button, which, on clicking, maximizes the Word 2007 window and the button image changes to a pair of rectangles. Another click restores the program window to its previous size and the button image to a single rectangle.

You can think of the Ribbon as a collection of seven horizontal tabbed toolbars arranged on top of each other. These toolbars are accessed through their tabs. The toolbars have command buttons, menus and input boxes arranged in groups. Some groups have dialog launchers (represented by a downward pointing arrow) which, when clicked, display a dialog box related to that group.
At any given time, only one tabbed toolbar is visible. When Word is launched, the Home tab is current and the toolbar attached to it is at the top, enabling you to invoke its commands by clicking them. When any other tab is clicked, its toolbar comes to the top and you can use the commands stored on it.
You may minimize the ribbon by clicking the 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar' button located to the right of the 'Quick access Toolbar' and choosing 'Minimize the Ribbon' from the drop-down menu. The Ribbon can also be minimized by double clicking the active tab; clicking any tab of the minimized Ribbon will redisplay it once again.
Office Button
Clicking 'Office' button reveals a drop-down menu showing commands for file operations. These commands are described below in brief. 
·                     New: When you click this button, the 'New Document' window comes up displaying three panes. The first pane shows a list of templates types, the second pane shows the templates available for the template type selected in the first pane and the third pane shows a preview of the template selected in second pane. You can start a new document based on a template selected from amongst these. By default, the blank document template is chosen. Clicking the Create button starts a new document based on the selected template. Notice that Word 2007 offers a wide variety of templates from the Microsoft Office Online.
·                     Open: Starts the Open dialog where you can navigate to your documents folder, select an existing (i.e. previously saved) document and open it in Word window.
·                     Save: Clicking Save button saves the current document if it has been given a name and saved earlier, otherwise it launches the Save As dialog.
·                     Save As: Opens the Save As dialog. Here you can assign a name to a new document and save it. You may also rename a document saved earlier and save it with the new name.
·                     Print: This command is used for printing the current document.  
·                     Prepare: Clicking this button opens a menu which provides information regarding the current document and has commands for preparing it for distribution.
·                     Send: You may use this command to email a document or to fax it via internet.
·                     Publish: This command allows you to create a blog post and publish it.
·                     Close: You can close the current document using this button. However, the Word 2007 program keeps running.
·                     Word Options: Opens the Word Options Dialog where you can chose your preferred settings for display, proofing, saving, language, etc. It also provides facility for customizing the Ribbon and the Quick access Toolbar.
·                     Exit Word: Clicking this option closes the Word 2007 programme together with all open documents.
Help Button
Located below the Window Controls in the top right corner of Word window, this button brings up the Word Help window.
The horizontal ruler is used to set tabs and indent text. You may use the vertical ruler to set vertical location of text in the document. If the rulers are not visible, click the View Ruler button immediately below the Ribbon on the extreme right.
The rulers show measurements in inches or centimeters, depending on the units of measure specified in Word Options.
Tab Selector
Repeated clicking of the Tab Selector shows five tab markers and two indent markers. By choosing the desired tab or indent marker and clicking on the horizontal ruler, you can set tabs or indent text.
Status Bar
On the left hand side, the status bar displays document information such as the current page number and total number of pages, word count, language, proofing error notification, etc. You can customize the information display by right clicking the status bar and and making selections out of the context menu that pops up.
View Buttons 
These buttons allow you to use five different document views: 
·                     Print Layout View: This view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.
·                     Full Screen Reading View: This view shows the document on full screen to make reading your document more comfortable.
·                     Web Layout View: Web Layout view enables you to see your document as it would appear in a browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.
·                     Outline View: Outline view displays the document in outline form in which headings could be displayed without the text. When you move a heading, the accompanying text will move with it.
·                     Draft View: This is the most frequently used view for editing your document.
Zoom Tools
The Zoom slider lets you zoom out or zoom in the current document. The zoom range is from 10% to 500%. The current zoom level is displayed on the taskbar immediately left of the slider. Clicking the zoom level opens the Zoom dialog where you can specify the desired zoom level.
Vertical & Horizontal Scroll Bars
The vertical scroll bar is located at the extreme right of the Word 2007 window while the horizontal scroll bar is at the bottom of the window just above the status bar. Vertical scroll bar is always visible while the horizontal scroll bar appears only when the document width exceeds the screen width.
The scroll bars let you scroll the document up-down vertically or left-right horizontally. To scroll, you need to click and drag the scroll box showing three vertical/horizontal lines. The document moves in a direction opposite to the movement of the scroll box.
Text Area
Framed between the rulers and the scroll bars is a large area looking like a blank sheet of paper. This is the text area where you type the text of the document. You will see a blinking vertical line in the top left corner. This is the Cursor. The typed characters appear at its location. As a character appears at its location, the cursor moves to its immediate right.
Mouse Pointer
In Word, you use the mouse to choose commands, move around in the document, select and move text, etc. As you move the mouse pointer across the screen, it takes different shapes. It is a right pointing arrow within the left margin of the text area and an I-beam in the rest of the text area. Outside the text area, it takes the shape of a left pointing arrow.
The mouse is used to perform following actions : 
·                     Point: Positioning the mouse pointer on an item.
·                     Single click: Clicking the left mouse button once.
·                     Double click: Clicking the left mouse button twice in quick succession.
·                     Triple click: Clicking the left mouse button thrice in quick succession.
·                     Right click: Clicking the right mouse button once.
·                     Drag & Drop: Pointing to an item, pressing and holding the left mouse button while moving the pointer to a new location and releasing the mouse button.

4.Explain the use of find and replace in word 2007?
Ans. You can quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase.
1.     Office 14 RibbonOn the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find. Or press CTRL+F.
The Navigation pane opens.
In the Search Document box, type the text that you want to find.
2.     Click a result to see it in your document, or browse through all the results by clicking the Next Search Result and Previous Search Result arrows.
Office 14 RibbonFind and replace text
3.     On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Replace.
4.     In the Find what box, type the text that you want to search for and replace.
5.     In the Replace with box, type the replacement text.
6.     Click Find Next, and then do one of the following:
1.     To replace the highlighted text, click Replace.
2.     To replace all instances of the text in your document, click Replace All.
3.     To skip this instance of the text and proceed to the next instance, click Find Next.

5.How can the task of checking spelling, grammar and readability be accomplished?
Ans: 1) Click on the ‘Review’ tab. In the first group “Proofing” click on the Spelling & Grammar Button.
3) MS Word automatically scans through the document and misspelled words are highlighted.
4) When MS Word finds a misspelled word it will provide suggestions as corrections for this error.
5) Select from this list and then choose either to Change the word or all occurrences of this misspelled word.
6) Sometimes, proper nouns, words not in the custom dictionary or words derived from Indian languages may show up as errors.
7) We can choose to ignore these errors by clicking on the ‘Ignore’ button.
8) We can also add such words to the Dictionary so that they will not show up as errors later.
9) Clicking on the ‘Check Grammar’ Tick box at the bottom of the dialog Box will automatically check the grammar and provide suggestions.
10) On completion of the spelling and grammar check MS Word provides statistics related to the readability of the document.
6. Explain how to insert table in a word document. Also, explain the table formatting commands.
Ans: There are different ways a Table can be inserted in a Word 2007 document. 
1. When we click on the Table command we see a grid of rows and columns. Clicking and dragging on the required number of rows and columns will insert a table having the desired rows and columns. See picture given alongside.
2. If we require a different number of rows and columns from what is available in the grid we can use the Table -------> Insert Table Command. In the dialog box that comes up enter the desired number of rows and columns and press Enter.
3. Preformatted tables along with sample data can also be inserted in MS Word by using the Table --------> Quick Table Command. 
4. A table can also be inserted by using the Draw Table or the Excel Spreadsheet commands.