Title :- Locate city
and residence using free ONLINE mapping services.
Software:-Any Web
Browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
Description: - To search city, district and residence using Google Maps
Procedure :
1) Web browser window :
1) Launch Internet Explorer by clicking icon on the desktop or on the quick launch
toolbar on the taskbar. Click on the URL in the Address bar to highlight it and
type www.google.co.in.
2) On the Google service option bar,
click on the Maps to go to the web page of Google Maps. Since current location
is India map of India will be centered in the map window.
3) Click on the small icon Satellite
at the top right corner to see a satellite map of the region.
4) Type the name of your district (Ex. Mumbai
district Maharashtra ) in the search text box above the map window and
click on the Search button or press the Enter key. The program
zooms in and marks the district on the map with a border.
5) Type the name of the place (Ex Kurla
, Mumbai , Maharashtra) in the search text box and click on Search
button. The program zooms in and marks the village on the map with a
6) Zoom in by clicking on the plus sign
on the zoom control at the left till you are able to locate your school