Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Std-X ICT th Geogebra

Std X
Q. 1 .  Fill in the blanks : (1 mark each)
1)      The menu command used for hiding the axes is View-> Axes
2)      The tool used for the measurement of an interior angle is the angle  tool.
3)      Click  Edit -> Object Properties   to show and edit all the created objects.
4)      Constructed objects and graphs of functions are shown in the Graphics view.
5)      An angle bisector can be constructed by clicking the angle bisector tool , and  three points of the angle  in succession.
Q. 2.  State whether the following statements are true or False.              
Midpoint of a segment can be found without using the ‘ Mid Point or Center’ tool or the Input Bar
When using the Graphics view , it is necessary coordinate axes.
Commands In Geogebra can be selected from the list next to the input field on the Input Bar.
When a segment is drawn using the ‘Segment with given Length from the point’ tool, moving the end-point moving the end-point of the segment changes the length of the segment.
With the ‘ New Point ‘ tool selected, clicking at the intersection of two objects adds a new point at the intersection.
GeoGebra can be used to Solve Simultaneous  equations Geometrically.
The GeoGebra screen [window] is divided into three parts.(March 14)
By Default, the Geogebra window displays three parts – Algebra , Graphics and Spread sheet.
The Command to draw Histogram [{List Of data } {List of Class boundries}]

      Q. 3  Multiple Choice Questions: ( Single Correct Answer)  (1 mark each)

(1) Geogebra was created by  Markus Hohenwarter
a) CDAC                b) Google            c) Markus Hohenwarter               d) Judith Hohenwarter

(2) A file created in Geogebra is saved with  the .ggb extension.
a) .ggb                  b) .gba                  c) .ggr                   d) .gbr

(3) A segment of fixed length is drawn using the  Segment with fixed length   tool.
a) .segment between two points             b) . Segment with fixed length   
c) .Vector from point                                     d) Fixed Segment

4) A histogram of a data list is drawn by Typing the histogram command in the Input bar.
(a) Selecting ‘Create Histogram’ command from the right-click menu
(b) Selecting ‘Create List ‘ command from the right- click menu
(c) Using the ‘Regular Polygon’ tool
(d) Typing the histogram command in the Input bar

5) The Mode[] command in GeoGebra must be supplied with data list as parameter.
(a) Coordinates (b) histogram (c) data list (d) list of class boundaries

6) The input bar is used to input data required for calculations and geometric constructions.(March ’14)
(a) Scroll bar (b) input bar (c) output bar  (d) menu bar

Q.4. Rewrite the following statements by selecting two correct options : (2 marks each)

1) Every object in GeoGebra has algebraic and geometric representations
(a) algebraic (b) text (c) geometric (d) spreadsheet

2) In GeoGebra, you can do different _______and ________ construction and processes easily with the help of set of instructions.
(a) Geometric (b) geographic (c) biological (d) algebraic

3) Class boundaries specified in the Histogram[] command determines ________ and ___________ of each bar of the histogram.
(a) Height (b) width (c) position (d) shading

4) The Input bar in GeoGebra has ________and _________.
(a) Settings button  (b) input field  (c) Undo/ Redo button  (d) command button

5) Two tools in GeoGebra to draw a circle of specific radius are Circle with Centre and Radius and Circle with Centre through Point .
(a) Circle with Centre and Radius (b) Circle with Centre through Point
(c) Compass (d) Circle through Three Points

6) Different complicated theorems and geometrical constructions can be understood very clearly with the of GeoGebra .
(a) Questions (b) GK (c) theorems (d) geometrical

Q.5. Match the following :(1 mark for each option)

Column A
Column B
1. Regular Polygon
2. Midpoint or Centre
3. Angle with Given Size
4. Circle with Centre through Point
5. Angle Bisector
Ans. (1)-- b 
        (2) –d
        (4) --a
        (5) –c

Q.6 Answer the following questions : ( 2 marks each)

1) What are the main parts of the GeoGebra window ? Give names of the different parts of the GeoGebra window.
Ans.  The different  parts of the GeoGebra window are (i) Title bar (ii) Menu bar  (iii) Tool bar  (iv) Algebra View  (v) Graphic View and (vi) Input bar

2) Explain Graphics View and Algebra View in GeoGebra.
Graphics View: Using the construction tools available in the Toolbar you can do geometric constructions in the Graphics View with the mouse. Select any construction tool from the Toolbar and read the Toolbar Help (next to the Toolbar) in order to find out how to use the selected tool. Any object you create in the Graphics View also has an algebraic representation in the Algebra View.
Every icon in the Toolbar represents a toolbox that contains a selection of similar construction tools. In order to open a toolbox, you need to click on the small arrow in the lower right corner of the Toolbar icon.
Algebra view: In the Algebra View, mathematical objects are organized as free and dependent objects. If you create a new object without using any other existing objects, it is classified as a free object. If your newly created object was created by using other existing objects, it is classified as a dependent object.

Using the Input Bar you can directly enter algebraic expressions in GeoGebra. After hitting the Enter key your algebraic input appears in the Algebra View while its graphical representation is automatically displayed in the Graphics View.

3) Draw the following construction tools [ in GeoGebra] : (i) Polygon (ii) Angle.
4) Give the uses of the following tools in GeoGebra.
Q- 7) Answer the following  (4 marks each)
1)      What is GeoGebra OR Write short note on Geogebra  ?
Ans. Geogebra is a free, open source and multiplatform software that combines dynamic geometry , algebra, calculus, spreadsheet, graphing and statistics.Geogebra  is one easy – to use package. The name , GeoGebra is derived from Geometry and Algebra.  GeoGebra was created by Markus Hohenwarter in 2001-02 as part of his Masters and PhD project in Mathematics. Students can learn mathematics using computer with the help of software called ‘Geogebra’ .  It was specially designed for middle school and high school students and has won several prestigious awards. GeoGebra is multi-faceted tool. It can be used as both teaching & a learning tool.

2)    What would you use to type the equation for drawing graph in Geogebra.?
Ans In Geogrbra, a graph is drawn by typing its equation in the input field of the Input bar and pressing the Enter key. The rules for the algebraic input are as follows.
(1) Only x and y in lower case can be used as variables.
(2) A linear equation in two variables can be entered  in standard form.

3. Give two methods to find mean, mode and median of given data.
To find out mean median and mode of a list of sample data, the list may be created in two ways in Geogebra, namely, using input bar or the spreadsheet view.
Method 1 : In the input field of the input bar, type the sample data as a comma delimited list with in braces (Curly brackets). It may be named using lower or upper case letters. If no names are given, the program names them as list1, list2 etc. The Algebra View displays the list and its name under free objects.
Method 2: Enable the spreadsheet View from the View menu. Enter the data in the first column or row. Select all data by dragging the mouse and select Create List from the right- click context menu. The algebra view displays the list and its name.(L1, L2, etc) under dependent objects.
Suppose a list has been created with a name L1. To find the mean, median and mode of the list, type each command with the list name enclosed within square brackets  in the input bar, Mean [L1],Median [L1], Mode [L1] and press enter key. The algebra view displays the values under dependent objects.

Q 5. Solve the following examples using GeoGebra.

5.      Construct an equilateral triangle PQR and measure its angles.
   Ans. Steps for Solution :
(1)   First we have to select view menu in that we have to click on axes option for getting clear screen.
(2)   For construction of an equilateral triangle, select ‘regular polygon’ tool .
(3)   Create an equilateral triangle by selecting two base points. Then a window will open to specify the number of sides, then type 3 and click on ‘OK’
(4)   To measure the angle , click on angle tool from the construction tool and select the points in counter clockwise.

6.      Construct a regular polygon with 6 side . Use ‘polygon’ tool.
 Ans. Steps for Solution :
(1)   First we have to select view menu in that we have to click on axes option for getting clear screen.
(2)   For construction of an regular polygon, select ‘regular polygon’ tool .
(3)   Select two base points A and B.
(4)   Type the number of sides of the polygon (Enter ‘6’)

8.      Draw angle with measurement 133o and bisect it with ‘angle bisector’ tool.
 Ans. Steps for Solution :
(1)   First we have to select view menu in that we have to click on axes option for getting clear screen.
(2)   Select the ‘angle with given size’ . option and select two points on the graphic section  and enter the measurement of the angle (133o)
(3)   Then the third point will be displayed. Then select segment between two points and select the points in the order.
(4)   Select the angle bisector and select the points in the order (A,B,A’)
 10. Draw a circle with radius 3.1 cm and draw tangents to the circle from points 6.5 cm     away  from centre.
Ans. Steps for Solution :
(1)   First we have to select view menu in that we have to click on axes option for getting clear screen.
(2)   For drawing circle with given radius we have taken ‘circle with centre and radius ‘ tool.
(3)   We have inputed given radius 3.1 cm in input window which was displayed on screen and click on ‘OK’ option for getting circle.
(4)   Select ‘segment with fixed length ‘ option from the tool and click on the centre of the circle. Then the input box will appear to enter the length, type 6.5 in the input box, a line will be drawn by joining the centres and the point B which is 6.5 cm away from the centre.
(5)   For construction of tangent , select ‘tangent tool’ after that click on the point B which is 6.5 cm away from the centre and on circumference of circle respectively. Tangent will be constructed at that point.

12. Plot the points A(4,-3) and B(-2,5) join  them and find equation of line and write the steps for solution.
 Ans. Steps for Solution :
(1)   Here we want axes for establishing given points . For that we have selected ‘Axes’ and ‘Grid’ tool  view menu.
(2)   We have taken ‘New Point’ tool for plotting given points.
(3)   For drawing line, click on ‘line through two points’ tool.
(4)   Now the Algebra view shows the equation 4x+3y=7

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Chapter No 5 Information In Indian Language

Chapter No -4                                                        Information In Indian Language
Q.1 Fill In the blanks.
(1)  Documents and websites in regional languages can now be created because of  unicode
(2)  Devangari   script is used to write or type in Marathi.
(3)  Mangal font is used for typing in   Marathi   language
(4)  ASCII is a character  encoding system
(5)  Phonetic conversion of text from one script to another is called Transliteration .
(6)  Inscript  Keyboard maps an Indian script on an English keyboard.
(7)  The Google translate Web Element allows to instantly view web pages in other language.
Q. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: (1 mark each)
(1)Unicode will make e-governance applications possible for all the constitutionally recognized Indian languages.  True
(2)  Systems which recognize Unicode can read and process data in only one language.  False
(3)Unicode is also known as the Universal alphabet. True
(4)  All Unicode fonts support multiple scripts. False
(5)  Transliteration and translation mean the same. (March '14) False
(6)Google dictionary is method to look-up word meanings across languages. (OR Google dictionary is integrated in Google Translate and shows meanings and parts of speech of some words being typed.) True
(7)Google Translate is a free automatic translator. True
(8)You can translate an entire web page directly from Google Translate. True
(9)  Google Translate supports translation into Marathi. True
(10)                     Marathi Wikipedia has more than 40 lakh articles. True
Q. 3. Multiple choice questions: (Single Correct Answer) (1 mark each)
(      1)  The Unicode specification (standard) was created to make documents readable operating systems and platforms.
(a) Encryption (b) decryption (c) Unicode (d) coding
(2)  Unicode is also known as UTF-8
(a)  Universal font (b) UFT-8 (c) UTF-8 (d) Uni-8

(3)  Transliteration is related to phonetic (representation)
(a)  phonetic (representation) (b) translation (c) compression (d) (phonetic) encryption

(4)  The Google Translate Web Element makes a website available in other languages.
(a)  Search Element (b) Web Element (c) Engine (d) Indexing

(5)  English Wikipedia was launched in  2001
(a)  1990 (b) 2001 (c) 2003 (d) 2008

(6)  Presently, Marathi Wikipedia has more than 35 thousand articles.
(a) 41 lakhs (b) 35 lakhs (c) 51 thousand (d) 35 thousand
Q. 4. Multiple choice questions: (Two Correct Answers) (2 marks each)
(1)  ASCII And Unicode are character encoding standards.
(a)  ASCII (b) UNIX (c) Unicode (d) LINUX

(2)  Kokila and Mangal fonts can be used to type in Marathi.
(a)  Karthika (b) Kokila (c) Mangal (d) Vrinda

(3)  Phonetic and InScript are the types of keyboard used for typing in languages.
(a)  Unicode (b) Phonetic (c) Mangal (d) InScript

(4)  Google Transileration  and Google Dictionary are built in google translate
(1)What is Unicode? Or Why is Unicode called the Universal Alphabet ?
A.   Unicode is the universal character encoding standard, developed by the Unicode Consortium. Unicode Standard, Version 6.3.0, assigns a unique identifier (i.e., number) to more than 1 million characters, covering all the major, minor and historic scripts of the world, and many mathematical and other symbols. Unicode allows a single document to contain characters or text from many scripts and languages, and allows such documents to be used on all computer systems, whatever the operating system or language.

(2)Explain the necessity of using Unicode ?
A.   The Unicode is necessary because
1.      In a multilingual country like India, it is essential that tools for information processing in local languages are developed and made available at low cost for wider proliferation of 1CT. Use of Unicode will resolve the issues of compatibility across scripts, platforms and operating systems.
2.      All major operating systems, browsers, editors, word processor and other applications and tools are supporting Unicode.
3.      It will make e-governance applications possible for all the constitutionally recognized Indian languages.
4.      The documents created using Unicode may be searched very easily on the web.

(3)What is UTF-8 ?
A.   UTF stands for UCS (Unicode Character Set) Transformation Formats. UTF-8 encodes each of the more than 1. million Unicode characters using one to four 8-bit bytes. UTF-8 encoding standard ensures that data and documents are stored in a consistent manner so that there is no problem while transporting documents across operating systems, proof checking, translation and searching.

(4)What is Inscript Keyboard ?
A.   InScript (Indian Script) keyboard layout is the default option for text entry in Indian languages. Since the basic character set of the Indian languages is common, the mapping of the characters remains common for all the Indian languages, written left to right. In this layout, all the vowels and vowel signs are placed on the left side of the keyboard layout and the consonants on the right side.

(5)What is Phonetic Keyboard ?
A.   The phonetic keyboard uses the normal English keyboard and works on phonetic transiteration. The user types in English script the words as they are pronounced in another language like Marathi. The transliteration software called an Input Method Editor (IME) renders or converts them into Marathi script.

(6)What is transliteration ?
A.   Transliteration is the conversion of a word or series of words in a source language into a corresponding word or series of words of a target language. In translation, a sentence in the source language is re-expressed in the target language by using the correct script, words and grammar of the target language while retaining the meaning.

(7)Explain Google Transliteration ?
A.   Transliteration is the conversion of a text from one script to another. Only the speech sounds are converted, irrespective of the meaning. In transliterating into Marathi using an English keyboard, the typed text in English is phonetically converted to the similarly pronounced letters and vowel signs of Marathi. Transliteration does not convert an English word into the corresponding word of the same meaning in Marathi.
(8)Give the Marathi transliteration of the following using Google IME:
a)     namaH      b) veL           c)  RuShI    d) vRutta
(9)Give the Marathi transliteration of the following using Google IME:
a)     uShmA       b) mahisa   c)  gaNadhish     d) ThaMDA

(10)                       What is Google Translate Web Element ?
A.   Google Website Translator or Translator Web Element is a plugin powered by Google Translate. It can be embedded in a web page to make the web page available in other languages. International visitors to the website will be offered a language selector to view a translated version of the web page in their language. On selecting a language, the Website Translator sends the text of the web page to Google Translate and displays the translated text without reloading or redirecting visitors from the page.

(11)                       Write a short note on Wikipedia ?
A.   Wikipedia was conceived as a free online encyclopedia. It was launched in January 2001. As of April 2014, it has more than 31 million articles in 287 languages, which include 18 Indian languages. Wikipedia is publicly editable. Users registered with the website can create new articles or make changes to existing articles. Wikipedians are people who write and edit the pages for Wikipedia; neither are they paid nor there is any public recognition, only their knowledge-sharing behaviour motivates them to contribute. Articles and edits are peer reviewed for language and trustworthiness of content.

(12)                       Write a short note on Marathi Wikipedia.
A.   Marathi Wikipedia (mr.wikipedia.org ) was launched on 1st May 2003 and is the 8th most visited Marathi language website. As of April 2014, it has only around 40 thousand articles, as compared to more than 45 lakh articles in English. Marathi Wikipedia therefore needs more informative articles for the benefit of the Marathi people who are not well conversant in English.

Q.6   Answer the following.
Explain Google translate in detail.

A.      Google Translate It is a free automatic translator that uses natural language processing. Presently, it can translate between 80 languages which include ten Indian languages, viz., Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. To translate, one selects the source and target languages and starts typing. When translating from an Indian language, the user can type phonetically, or use the onscreen virtual keyboard, or select the source language keyboard on the Language Bar. After the space bar is pressed, the translation of the typed word will be displayed in the target script. There is a built-in dictionary, and corrections can be made by selecting the translated word or phrase. Google Translate can translate a document or an entire web page.